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The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System: Reform, Replace or Status Quo?

Venue: Virtual. The Investor-State Dispute Settlement System is a thought-provoking and important contribution to the ongoing worldwide discussions and debates regarding the way forward for investor-State dispute resolution. The number of ISDS arbitrations has increased significantly over the past decade. Drawing contributors from around the world, these authors provide insights into critical topics regarding possible ISDS reforms, their feasibility and alternatives. Speakers include: Dr. Alan M. Anderson, Alan Anderson Law Firm LLC; Kiran Nasir Gore, Charles H. Camp, PC; Marryum Kahloon, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher; and Brian McGarry, Assistant Professor of Public International Lawm Leiden University, and Visiting Professor, Sciences Po Law School, Paris. For more information and to register, please consult the following link: