Venue: Virtual. From the 19th century notion of “rules of conflict,” to interest analysis doctrines that started in the 1960s, or the exploration of “transnational” or “comparative law” approaches, the search for the most appropriate legal rules for international commercial dispute resolution has been always present. Part and parcel of such search has been - and always remains - the question if and how solutions more or less detached from national legal systems interact with public policy notions or mandatory rules found in national legal orders. Speakers include: Prof. Dr. Horacio A. Grigera Naón, Director, Center on International Commercial Arbitration, AUWCL; Prof. Dr. Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, Co-Director, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law; Prof. Dr. Ignacio Tirado, Secretary-General, UNIDROIT, Rome; Prof. Dr. Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), The Hague; Michael Joachim Bonell, Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome I Sapienza, Consultant, Unidroit, Editor-in-Chief, UNILEX; Eleonora Finazzi Agrò, PhD, University of Rome I Sapienza, Attorney at Law (Rome, Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, UNILEX (Section Unidroit Principles); Björn Arp, Fellow, Center on International Commercial Arbitration; Sébastien Manciaux, Professor (Maître de conférences) at the University of Burgundy (Bourgogne); Jane Willems, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China; Oluwaseun O. Ajayi, Senior Attorney, Office of General Counsel, Government Accountability Office (GAO), Washington, D.C; Pedro Lacasa, Lawyer, Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Lilit Nagapetyan, Ph.D. Candidate, Queen Mary University of London; Maryam Pourrahin, PhD candidate at Tilburg University;Rodrigo Polanco Lazo; Mary Mitsi, Lecturer in Commercial Law, Queen Mary university of London; Ioana Bratu, Legal Counsel at GE Renewable Energy, London, and PhD candidate at OU London; Qingxiu Bu, Associate Professor and Chair of the Global Law Initiative, Sussex Law School; Andrés Talavera, Full-time Professor, School of Law, Universidad del Pacífico, Perú; Aloysius Llamzon, King & Spalding; Lucinda Low, Steptoe & Johnson; Roberto Echandi, The World Bank Group. For more information and to register, please consult the following link:
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How States Negotiate Their Treaties
Later Event: November 11
ASIL Midyear Meeting