Venue: Virtual. "There can be no international law without a court to apply it." This was how Judge Abdulqawi Yusuf of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) closed a portion of his remarks to the American Society of International Law on March 26, 2021, reflecting on the establishment of the Permanent Court of International Justice. The "International Law without International Courts" symposium will probe that assertion. From Hugo Grotius' work in the 1600s through the early 20th century, there were no permanent international courts. The expansion of international law in the 20th century was accompanied by a proliferation of international courts and tribunals across subject matters and regions. States nonetheless continue to resolve disputes, including claims arising under international law, in a variety of manners outside of formal international courts and tribunals. As we think about the continued expansion and reform of permanent international courts and tribunals, we should examine whether, how, and why alternate forms of dispute resolution remain relevant to the application and enforcement of international law, including its interpretation and development. We should likewise consider how international law is applied outside of dispute resolution processes. For more information and to register, please consult the following link:
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Earlier Event: December 10
Unearthing FET: What Did States Intend, and Does It Matter?
Later Event: January 20
International Economic Law in the Caribbean